• September 6, 2010

Corpus Christi Police Officer’s Association Endorses Hunter

Corpus Christi Police Officer’s Association Endorses Hunter

Corpus Christi Police Officer’s Association Endorses Hunter 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter

Corpus Christi Police Officers Association

September 6, 2010
Representative Todd Hunter
445 Cape Henry Dr
Corpus Christi, TX 78412

Representative Hunter,

The Corpus Christi Police Officer’s Association 2010 G-PAC has met and we are honored to announce that you and your campaign have received the G-PAC’s “Friendly Incumbent Endorsement” for State Representative District 32. CCPOA G-PAC members encourage voters within District 32 who have “the best interest of the State” at heart or who may have “public safety concerns” in mind to vote for Todd Hunter.

Due to your continued support of local law enforcement officers CCPOA G-PAC considers you a strong advocate for the rights of citizens and the law enforcement community that you serve.

Congratulations, best of luck and we look forward to working closely with you in the future. Please do not hesitate to call upon us if we can assist you or your campaign during this electorate cycle.

*CCPOA G-PAC will host a Political Forum on September 13, 2010 at 6pm (3122 Leopard St.) and we would appreciate your attendance.

Gene Hernandez, G-PAC Chairman
Michael Staff, CCPOA President