• September 4, 2012

Texas Apartment Association Endorses Todd Hunter

Texas Apartment Association Endorses Todd Hunter

Texas Apartment Association Endorses Todd Hunter 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter

Texas Apartment Association Endorses Todd Hunter

September 4, 2012

Representative Todd Hunter
Todd Hunter Campaign
445 Cape Henry
Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

Dear Representative Hunter:

On behalf of the Texas Apartment Association, which represents nearly 10,700 members who develop, own and manage more than 1.8 million rental units in Texas, we are pleased to endorse your re-election campaign for the Texas House. We appreciate your public service to the citizens of Texas and look forward to continuing to work with you.

Additionally, we have $3,000 contribution from the TAA PAC and will have Toni Davis from our local affiliate, the Corpus Christi Apartment Association, contact you to schedule a meeting.

TAA will publicize support for your candidacy by listing our endorsement of you on our website, in our publications and through email communications about the election to our members. Please feel free to use our endorsement in campaign literature.

Best wishes for a successful campaign. Please contact us at 512/479-6252 if there is any way in which our association can be of assistance to you.

George B. Allen, CAE
Executive Vice President

Glenda R. Holmes, CAE, ABC
Senior Vice President

David Mintz, CAE
VP of Government Affairs