• September 30, 2024

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter

The month of October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. According to the National Research Center on Domestic Violence, 3 in 10 women and 1 in 10 men are affected by domestic violence. Unfortunately, this means that this is a common problem for many people. Additionally, it is estimated that annually twenty million people will be abused by their partner. Therefore, millions of people are in a constant state of fear for their livelihood. As a result of the alarmingly high statistics, it is important to be educated about domestic violence and to be aware of the signs to protect those around you from domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a critical month for the public and survivors of domestic violence. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness regarding domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Awareness Project describes domestic violence as “a pattern of abusive behaviors–including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks as well as economic coercion–used by one intimate partner against another (adult or adolescent) to gain, maintain, or regain power and control in the relationship.” Abusers use a wide variety of methods to scare, terrorize, humiliate, injure, and in some instances kill their partners. Domestic violence is incredibly dangerous since it can have lasting emotional, psychological, mental, and physical effects on those being abused by their partners.

In addition to the horrible effects of domestic violence, anyone can be a victim regardless of gender, race, or age. Due to this, it is important to know the signs of domestic violence. A few of the signs that someone is being abused are: someone telling their partner they never do anything right, showing jealousy when their partner spends time with friends rather than with them, insulting or shaming their partner in front of others, and blaming their partner for their violent behavior. If you believe someone is being abused, reach out to them and inform them of their options to get help.

For more information about domestic violence and resources to help those being abused, please visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Along with this, The Purple Door is a great resource in the Coastal Bend which helps those who have been affected by domestic violence. Additionally, you can visit the Domestic Violence Awareness Project to learn more about the importance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Also, The National Domestic Hotline is 1.800.787.3244 and is available 24/7.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.texas.gov or at 512-463-0672.