As we approach the Christmas holidays, I am using this column to raise awareness for charitable causes that are helping those in our area who are vulnerable, less fortunate and in need. In last week’s article, I highlighted ways in which you can give a gift to a child in need. There are more than 50 drop-off locations throughout the Coastal Bend where unwrapped toys are being collected for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s “Toys for Tots” program. Also, The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) are collecting gifts for children in the state’s foster care system. For more information on how and where to donate a gift, please don’t hesitate to call either my Capitol or District office for more information.
This week, I wanted to feature another great organization here in the Coastal Bend and that is the Foster Angels of South Texas. This group works hand in hand with many local and statewide foster care agencies here in the state such as Child Protective Services, Court Appointed Special Advocates, Spaulding for Children, and Foster Youth Life Investment Partners. Together, last year alone, they helped more than 2,500 children in foster care system just here in Region 11.
Foster Angels of South Texas has a core philosophy of finding and exposing positive influences to those foster children who are currently here in South Texas. Many of the services they provide seek to bridge the gap for those goods and services that may not be provided by state resources such as clothing, education, food, as well as the many various medical needs to those in foster care. In many cases, these small contributions can make a strong impact on mental well-being and self-esteem of the many children they work with.
As a local organization, they strive to keep the administrative costs of operation low and use the funds they raise locally. During this holiday season, groups like Foster Angels of South Texas do a remarkable job in working to help those children who are currently in foster care system. If you are interested in making a contribution go to Foster Angel of South Texas or contact them at:
Foster Angels of South Texas Foundation
P.O. Box 18863
Corpus Christi, TX 78480
Additionally, as a reminder, you can still make a donation to Food Bank of Corpus Christi which serves eleven coastal counties which include Nueces, Aransas, and San Patricio. This food bank is one of the 19 food banks located throughout the state that make up the Texas Food Bank Network. The network provides food to charities and services organizations in all 254 counties in Texas.
You can help by either making a monetary contribution at Food Bank of Corpus Christi or by donating food directly to the food bank. If you would like to donate food, they are always in need of nutritious, non-perishable foods such as: meals in a can (stew, chili, soup), tuna / canned meat, peanut butter, canned foods with pop-top lids, low sugar cereals, 100% fruit juices in single serving boxes, canned fruit packed in juice, and canned vegetables (low salt). Our local food bank can be located at:
Food Bank of Corpus Christi
826 Krill Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78408
If you have questions regarding the giving opportunities mentioned in this article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office,512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603.
– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32
Rep. Hunter represents Nueces (Part) County. He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.state.tx.us or at 512-463-0672.